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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

True or False: Your Training Program Impacts Retention

True or False: Your Training Program Impacts Retention

Relias logo100% True. Turnover costs organizations between $8K and $30K per employee. With most post-acute care organizations facing a rate of 45% to 70%, turnover could cost you thousands and thousands of dollars every year.

Since the majority of employees who leave do so within the first 90 days, an effective onboarding and training program can reduce turnover, save you money, and increase the quality of care.

Learn more about how Relias can help you build an effective onboarding and education program for your new and existing staff that will benefit your bottom line.

Build a Strong Training Program to Increase Retention

Relias offers an online Learning Management System that boosts compliance and improves performance by developing your staff competencies. Our easy-to-use platform and accessible education quickly prepare your employees for their daily responsibilities while offering opportunities for their own professional development.

The Results?

  • Increased satisfaction
  • Increased competency
  • Reduced turnover
  • Improved client satisfaction
  • Saved time and resources

Start preparing your staff to be the best they can be by incorporating Relias into your training program. Get started by requesting a demo from Relias.

About Relias 

VHCA-VCAL has partnered with Relias to bring you access to the Relias learning platform and comprehensive suite of training, employee retention, and performance management solutions to help your organization thrive in today’s environment.

Learn more | Request a Demo 

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