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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

LTC Portal and DMAS-80 Updates

LTC Portal and DMAS-80 Updates

On August 27, DMAS provided an update that the DMAS-80 will be revised by September 1 to include a check box for individuals admitted prior to July 1 (referred to as “grandfathered” residents) as a valid reason for non-screening under the Medicaid LTSS Screening requirement. While these individuals were never included in the “No UAI/No Payment” policy implemented July 1, the form and LTC Portal did not provide an ability to specify such for admissions (primarily transfers) and level of care change notifications. DMAS has also announced the technical assistance calls for the LTC Portal will be moving to a monthly schedule.

While DMAS indicates the DMAS-80 will be updated by September 1, the LTC Portal will not. As such, managed care organizations and nursing facilities will not be able to enter the DMAS-80 into the LTC Portal for grandfathered individuals. There remain additional other situations that will require DMAS staff to enter the DMAS-80 into the portal. DMAS has issued this, Temporary Work Around During LTC Portal Upgrades communication describing three situations in which a faxed DMAS 80 to DMAS will be accepted until the portal is updated:

  1. Grandfathered individuals (see the communication for detail).
  2. Fee-for-service nursing facility admission, disenrollment or level of care change that were not entered prior to the enrollment of the individual into CCC Plus.
  3. Individuals admitted to a nursing facility directly from a CCC Plus waiver with no hospital stay, and without a documented Medicaid LTSS Screening.

LTC Portal Conference Calls Moving to a Monthly Schedule

DMAS has also announced that the technical assistance calls for the LTC Portal will continue, but on a monthly basis through February 2020. DMAS released the following schedule and connection information. Please note that the call-in number is the same each month, but the “Access code” changes.

Date of Session Registration Link Call in number Conference code
September 26 Click to Log In to Event 1-866-692-4530 Access code: 644 889 233
October 24 Click to Log In to Event (866) 692-4530 Access code: 648 733 106
November 14 Click to Log In to Event (866) 692-4530 Access code: 646 563 851
December 12 Click to Log In to Event (866) 692-4530 Access code: 646 639 449
January 16 Click to Log In to Event (866) 692-4530 Access code: 648 497 825
February 13 Click to Log In to Event (866) 692-4530 Access code: 645 531 509