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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

Get a Jump Start on a Wining Quality Award Application

Get a Jump Start on a Wining Quality Award Application

quality award emblemsHave you earned a National Quality Award in the last three years? Or maybe you’ve never applied for one. Sign up for our free Quality Award workshops to help you apply for the next award level or get started to be recognized for the first time. The first set of workshops will be held on October 30 to help explain the Bronze and Silver award criteria.

Check out the workshop schedule and sign up to attend today:

Space is limited for each session, so register now!

Please note that the Intent to Apply deadline is November 7, 2019 and the application and fee deadline for the 2020 awards cycle is January 23, 2020. Learn more about the AHCA/NCAL Quality awards. 

As a reminder in 2014, the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award program implemented a new recertification policy, which impacted all current and previous recipients. Under this policy, Bronze and Silver Quality Award recipients have three years to apply for the next award level (Silver or Gold) before being designated as a “past recipient” of the award, a status that requires the center to reapply at the Bronze level if it decides to participate in the program again.

The 2020 award cycle is the final year for Bronze and Silver recipients from 2017 to apply for the next award level before being designated as a “past recipient.”