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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

Federal Stimulus Bill Includes Funding for Health Care Providers

Federal Stimulus Bill Includes Funding for Health Care Providers

On March 25, the US Senate approved a stimulus package including provisions that would financially assist nursing facilities. The House of Representatives is expected to consider the bill on Friday, March 27. There are many provisions related to unemployment and other business concerns, but two provisions in particular relate to financial relief for NFs. (VHCA-VCAL is continuing to review the language to identify any other impacts on members.)

First, the package includes a temporary suspension of the sequestration reduction for the period beginning on May 1, 2020 and ending on December 31, 2020. 

Second, the package includes $100 billion in the “Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund” that would be available to “eligible health care providers for health care related expenses or lost revenues that are attributable to  coronavirus”. The language is very broad and provides a great deal of discretion to the US Secretary of Health and Human Services to determine how the funding will be allocated and dispersed, reporting required, etc. AHCA/NCAL is working on behalf of the membership on those issues.

Based on press coverage and public statements, it appears that the House will pass the measure and President Trump will sign the legislation. Until then, this is not final and subject to change.