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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

Update on NSNCW

Update on NSNCW

After much consideration, AHCA has decided to recognize National Skilled Nursing Care Week (NSNCW) as scheduled May 10-16, 2020. Despite the challenges we face this year, it is more important than ever to recognize staff and residents in skilled nursing and post-acute care centers across the country. 

We know that you and your staff are going to extraordinary lengths to keep residents safe from COVID-19. NSNCW presents an opportunity to acknowledge that and honor their hard work. 

We encourage you to explore the following resources for ideas and suggestions on how you might celebrate despite the limitations of social distancing: 

On behalf of the entire AHCA/NCAL team, we want to thank you for your heroic and unwavering commitment to caring for our most vulnerable population when they need you the most.  

Posted in Membership