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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

NHSN Updates Instructions and Adds Testing to Resident Impact and Facility Capacity Pathway

NHSN Updates Instructions and Adds Testing to Resident Impact and Facility Capacity Pathway

The CDC National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) updated the instructions for completing the NHSN pathway for Resident Impact and Facility Capacity and added questions on testing. NHSN also updated the Resident Impact and Facility Capacity data form. Members should ensure use of the latest instructions and forms for data collection and reporting. AHCA has summarized the changes made to the instructions.

  • Clarification on admissions definitions that includes admitted or readmitted residents from another facility who were previously diagnosed with COVID-19 and continue to require transmission-based isolation precautions due to the diagnosis. Recovered residents are excluded. Includes persons under investigation for signs/symptoms and/or pending test results and require transmission-based precautions at admissions. 
  • Added notes section to further clarify confirmed residents that includes point of care testing, viral testing. Antibody test results are not considered appropriate for diagnosis of active COVID-19 infection and therefore positive test results must be excluded from confirmed COVID-19 counts. 
  • Clarification on suspected definition that includes residents who remain in the facility, were transferred out of the facility, admitted to another facility, as well as those who died on or before the date of data entry in the NHSN COVID-19 Module. 
  • Total deaths include all resident deaths including residents who died in another location, such as a hospital. 
  • COVID-19 deaths – If a resident without known or suspected COVID-19 dies and the facility later finds out the resident was positive for COVID-19, such as through autopsy, the LTCF must update the previously reported data by clicking on the original calendar date and update the total death and COVID-19 death counts.

New questions added related to testing include: 

  • Does the LTCF have the ability to perform or to obtain resources for performing COVID-19 viral testing (nucleic acid or antigen) on all current residents within the next seven days, if needed? 
  • During the past two weeks, on average how long did it take your LTCF to receive COVID-19 viral (nucleic acid or antigen) test results of residents? 
  • Since the last date of data entry in the Module, has your LTCF performed COVID-19 viral testing on residents? 
  • Does the LTCF have the ability to perform or to obtain resources for performing COVID-19 viral testing (nucleic acid or antigen) on all staff and/or facility personnel within the next seven days, if needed? 
  • During the past two weeks, on average how long did it take your LTCF to receive COVID-19 viral (nucleic acid or antigen) test results of staff and/or facility personnel? 
  • Since the last date of data entry in the Module, has your LTCF performed COVID-19 viral testing on staff and/or facility personnel?