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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

Nursing Home Compare Retired as of December 1

Nursing Home Compare Retired as of December 1

In September, CMS released Care Compare on, which streamlines the eight original health care compare tools, including Nursing Home Compare. As of December 1, the original compare tools were retired. Care Compare’s new design makes it easier to find the same information was in the original compare tools.

Care Compare gives providers, patients, and caregivers one user-friendly place to find cost, quality of care, service volume, and other CMS quality data to help make informed health care decisions. Now, instead of having to search through many compare tools, with just one click on Care Compare, you’ll find easy-to-understand information about nursing homes, hospitals, doctors, and other health care providers.

This transition doesn’t change how we measure quality. CMS will continue to improve Care Compare and the Provider Data Catalog based on stakeholder and consumer feedback.