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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

CDC: Emphasize that Vaccinating LTC Staff Will Save Lives

CDC: Emphasize that Vaccinating LTC Staff Will Save Lives

For information and resources to help you answer questions and build vaccine confidence among staff and residents, check out the CDC’s Long-Term Care Facility Toolkit: Preparing for COVID-19 Vaccination at Your Facility. The CDC also has a webpage specific to preparing long term care facility (LTCF) staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The CDC explains that getting vaccinated is an important step to protect LTCF staff as they have played an essential role in fighting this pandemic.

Key CDC messages to share with staff include:

  • Emphasize that Vaccinating Long-Term Care Facility Staff Will Save Lives
  • Encourage open communication among all staff
  • Explain staff options for receiving COVID-19 vaccine
  • Provide key messages about vaccine effectiveness and safety
  • Distribute COVID-19 vaccination resources
  • Educate staff about post-vaccination symptoms and policies

The CDC expands on these topics and has provided additional links to supporting resources on its Preparing Staff for COVID-19 Vaccination webpage.

Posted in CDC, COVID-19