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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

Take the Next Step in Your Quality Journey

Take the Next Step in Your Quality Journey

Have you ever wondered about getting involved in the National Quality Award Program?  Here are two ways you can get involved and show your support today.

  1. Get a spot in one of our upcoming free Quality Award Workshops: Understanding the Award Criteria & Writing a Successful Application on October 10-11, 2023. Wendy Walter and Tammy Kelly, who have served as Quality Award Examiners and know the ins-and-outs of the award criteria, are leading the sessions.
  2. Submit your Intent to Apply (ITA) before November 16, 2023. Applicants who submit an ITA will save money on their overall application fee and exclusive resources from program staff. No paperwork or application is needed. You can access help documents for the Quality Award Portal here. Submit your ITA by logging in to the Quality Award Portal.


Quality Award Workshops: Understanding the Award Criteria & Writing a Successful Application

Bronze Quality Award Training and Writing Workshop
October 10, 2023 | 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Silver Quality Award: Understanding the Criteria & Getting Started
October 11, 2023 | 10:00 am – 3:00 pm 


Posted in Quality Awards