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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living



VHCA-VCAL’s advocacy work on behalf of long term care providers is a year-round job.  While the General Assembly session may get most of the attention, the meetings and outreach we conduct with legislators, agency officials, and other stakeholders beyond session can have lasting impact on our ability to be effective advocates. 

We’ll be using this space to highlight VHCA-VCAL staff and leadership’s participation in meetings and events that are critical to the profession. 

Take a look at our outreach and advocacy work for the week of May 14, 2018.  

  • 5/14—Participated in a conference call hosted by AHCA on the CMS notice of proposed rulemaking on the revisions to the case-mix methodology for the skilled nursing center prospective payment system and consolidated billing.
  • 5/15—The VCAL committee met at the VHCA-VCAL office for its first meeting of the year.
  • 5/16—Keith Hare and Steve Ford attended the American Society of Health Care Administration Executives Spring Technical Session in Arlington.
  • 5/16—Participated in the AHCA/NCAL State Affiliate Policy Task Force monthly conference call.
  • 5/17—Spoke with representatives of the Michigan Health Care Association about Virginia’s experience with Medicaid managed care.
Posted in Advocacy, Membership