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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

Share Your Feedback on the Inspection Process

Share Your Feedback on the Inspection Process

We’d like to hear from you about how the new inspection process is working.  In particular, April Payne, Vice President of Quality Improvement and Director of VCAL, is gathering feedback on the number of inspectors conducting inspections as well as whether communities are receiving violations related to private duty personnel, medication management plans, and electronic records and signatures.  We are also gathering information on whether inspectors are taking photographs of items cited on a violation notice.

Please provide your feedback on the following questions directly to April Payne by Friday, June 29. 

  1. During any inspections conducted since April 1, was there an increased number of inspectors?  If yes, how many usually and how many during most recent?
  2. Did your community receive any violations related to:
    -22 VAC 40-73-220. Private duty personnel?  If so, please provide a brief description.-22 VAC 40-73-640. Medication management plan and reference materials?  If so, please provide a brief description.

    -22 VAC 40-73-60. Electronic records and signatures?  If so, please provide a brief description.

  3. During any inspections (past or current), did the inspectors take photographs of items that were cited on your violation notice?
  4. Please provide any additional feedback related to the new regulations or inspection process since February 1, 2018.

The information you provide will be compiled with feedback from other VCAL members, removing any identifiable information, and shared with the VCAL Committee.