Help Us Recognize Excellence in Long Term Care

The VHCA-VCAL’s Recognition Awards honor individuals for lifetime achievement, administrators, DONs, and CNAs of the year. 

The D.A. “Woody” Brown Community Involvement Awards honor excellence in activity programming for resident’s in VHCA-VCAL member centers.  

The Volunteer of the  Year Awards honor adult, teen, and group volunteers who selflessly serve residents in member centers.

The deadline for all nominations and submissions has been extended to June 28, 2024. Members are encouraged to submit nominations and entries in all categories. Expand the tabs below for more details. 

Recognition Awards


Recognition Awards

Honoring lifetime achievement, administrators, DONs, and CNAs of the year

You can nominate a deserving individual for one of VHCA-VCAL’s annual Recognition Awards using our web forms. Before beginning the online nomination process, please review this Nominator’s Guide to help you gather the information you need to submit a complete nomination.

The deadline for all nominations and submissions has been extended to June 28, 2024.

Flyer | Nominator’s Guide

Online Forms

D.A. Woody Brown Community Involvement Awards


D.A. “Woody” Brown Community Involvement Awards

Recognizing outstanding activity and event programs at Virginia’s nursing centers and assisted living communities

VHCA-VCAL’s D.A. “Woody” Brown Community Involvement Awards recognize members who have demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and creativity in designing activity programs that encourage and support their residents and families. VHCA-VCAL is honored to acknowledge the outstanding activity programs that involve, entertain, educate, and enrich the individuals in their care.

The D. A. “Woody” Brown Community Involvement Awards program was named in honor of Woody Brown, the first director of operations of Autumn Corporation, a Vietnam Veteran, and a dedicated, enthusiastic leader in long term care.

2024 Award Categories

National Skilled Nursing Care Week (NSNCW) or National Assisted Living Week (NALW) Program

This category celebrates special events centers host during these annually themed weeks, which occur in May and September, respectively. The theme for NSNCW for 2024 is Radiant Memories – A Tribute to the Golden Age of Radio. The 2023 NALW theme was Season of Reflection. 

Special Event Program

The Special Event award is designed to recognize a one-time activity such as a holiday-specific program or creative event held between May 2023 and May 2024. The award is granted based on program design and its ability to engage residents.

Facility Newsletter

This award recognizes excellence in facility newsletters. Newsletters are a special form of  essential communication upon which staff, residents, family members, and the greater community rely. Facilities must submit three different issues of their newsletter published between May 2023 and May 2024. Judging is based on content, readability, creativity, special features, relevance, timeliness, and resident/employee involvement.

Instructions for Submission

  1. Review the D.A. “Woody” Brown Community Involvement Awards Woody Brown Submission Guide.
  2. Complete the fillable submission form (downloadable Word file) and email to
  3. When you are mailing materials to VHCA-VCAL, print a copy of the completed fillable submission form to include with your scrapbooks, loose-leaf binders, photo album entries, or newsletters. For scrapbooks, binders, and albums, please limit entries to 24 pages front and back). Applicants are encouraged to submit pictures, preferably in high-resolution digital format (jpeg).

The deadline for all submissions has been extended to June 28, 2024! 

FlyerWoody Brown Submission Guide 

Fillable Forms (Download and save the Word file.)

Volunteer of the Year Awards


Volunteer of the Year Awards

Recognizing Those Who Volunteer in Virginia’s Long Term Care Centers

You can nominate an adult, teen, or group who have volunteered at the nominating center at least a year prior to the nominating deadline.

The deadline for all nominations and submissions has been extended to June 28, 2024.

Flyer | Nominating Guide

Online Form