◂  March 2021

How the New Stark and Anti-Kickback Regulations Will Affect LTC

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Members $65
Prospective Members $130


During this webinar, Jim Daniel and Mike Newby with Hancock Daniel will provide an overview of the latest regulatory changes affecting the Stark Law and the federal Anti-kickback Statute.  The Stark Law prohibits physician self-referral and the Anti-kickback Statute prohibits knowingly and willingly offering, soliciting, or paying renumeration in exchange for referral services covered by a federal healthcare program.  Daniel and Newby will focus on the more significant changes, including the new care coordination safe harbor to the Anti-kickback Statute, but will also address the likely impact that value-based care contracting (and particularly total cost of care contracting) may have in light of these regulatory changes on the long term care sector.

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James (Jim) M. Daniel, Jr., JD, MBA | Partner | Hancock Daniel
Michael R. Newby | Partner | Hancock Daniel

VHCA-VCAL is grateful for Hancock Daniel’s commitment as a Pledge Partner.

Continuing Education

This webinar has been approved for Continuing Education for 1.5 total participant hours by NAB/NCERS—Approval #20220317-1.50-A73361-DL. Attendance will be monitored throughout the webinar. Partial credit will not be awarded. The webinar will be recorded, but NAB credit is only provided to registered participating attendees of the live sessions.



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