Mr. Charles "Chuck" NeighborMr. Charles “Chuck” Neighbor has had such a unique life experience that it prompted him to write a book. One Man’s War Story chronicles his experience as Private First Class in the Army during World War II and the D-Day invasion. Mr. Neighbor was a part of the 29th Infantry Division famous for storming the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944. He recalls how he and others were dropped off at the wrong section of the beach as well has how he sustained life-threatening injuries, and was sent away from the front lines to recover in a hospital in England.

In a video interview given to the Library of Congress’s Veterans History Project, he describes writing his story as “really good therapy for me” and a chance to “to think it all out and remember from day to day what I had done.”

Brandon Oaks Assisted Living, Roanoke

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