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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

CMS Posts Summary MLN Article on Medicare Part B Payment Updates

CMS Posts Summary MLN Article on Medicare Part B Payment Updates

CMS recently posted an MLN Matters article that provides a summary of key policy changes and payment updates in the calendar year (CY) 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule. The article summarizes the updates affecting skilled nursing providers.

Of note, the changes include:

  • updates to payment policies and Medicare payment rates for services physicians and other providers (including therapists) that Medicare pays for with the MPFS in CY 2022
  • updates to Medicare Telehealth Services and Telehealth origination site facility fee payment amounts for CY 2022
  • implementation of payment adjustments for Medicare Part B services furnished in whole or in part by physical and occupational therapy assistants beginning January 1, 2022.  

AHCA/NCAL members can access a detailed association analysis for the CMS CY 2022 MPFS rule here.