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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

DMAS Wage Survey Due

DMAS Wage Survey Due

dmasIn mid-January, you should have received notice from the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) about the annual Medicaid wage survey participating nursing centers are required to complete.  This wage survey is very important because it impacts the calculation of the inflation factor applied for payment rates effective each state fiscal year.  Therefore, the accuracy of the wage data provided has a direct impact on your Medicaid rates for the upcoming year.  Although DMAS originally stated the due date for the survey was February 24, due to a low response rate, the agency has asked VHCA to remind members to provide the required data as soon as possible.

Visit the DMAS webpage Online Nursing Facility Wage Survey Data Entry Form for additional information as well as the Cover Letter including submission instructions, Validation Sheet, and a link to the survey.

If you have any questions please contact Sara Wood at (804) 786-3673 or email: