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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

Less than One Month to Complete LTSS Screening Review

Less than One Month to Complete LTSS Screening Review

Less than one month remains in the catch-up period to conduct LTSS Screenings for any individual residing in a nursing facility without one.

  • Nursing facilities (NFs) have until September 8 to review records for all current residents to ensure that individuals who needed to be screened prior to admission were fully screened and determined functionally eligible (and have the documentation thereof)
  • Facilities will face non-payment if screenings are not complete.


What’s happening: A June 10 Medicaid Bulletin established a 90-day catch-up period for nursing facilities to conduct LTSS Screenings.

  • During the COVID-19 public health emergency some individuals were admitted to NFs directly from a hospital without a LTSS screening per allowance by Governors’ Executive Orders (E.O. 58, 84, and 16).
  • DMAS has provided a 90-day window that runs through September 8 for conducting LTSS Screenings for any individual residing in a nursing facility without a LTSS Screening.
  • No remedy will exist after September 8, 2022 if a NF admits a patient who was required to have been screened prior to admission without that screening having been completed.


Your FAQs answered:

  • Do individuals admitted during the waiver period need to be screened? YES
  • Is a screening needed for an individual admitted to the facility at any time with a valid exemption reason as specified on the DMAS-80? NO


Action for facilities:

  • Review records for all current residents to ensure that individuals who needed to be screened prior to admission were fully screened and determined functionally eligible (and have the documentation thereof).
  • Touch base with your hospital referral partners to make sure you have open lines of communication about needed screenings for patients being transferred from acute to post-acute care.


Need more info? Review these articles: