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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

SMART: Top Ten Deficiencies and High Level Citations

SMART: Top Ten Deficiencies and High Level Citations

SMART iconRead the newest SMART report to find out what the Top Ten deficiencies for the current survey year under the new Long Term Survey Process (LTCSP) are. The latest report prepared by Mary Chiles also includes information on what high level citations surveyors are citing and information on the statewide and regional average number of deficiencies are.

Login to SMART and look for the 2018 October SMART Update under Analysis Reports.

What is SMART?

VHCA-VCAL’s Survey Management and Analysis Resource Tool (SMART) is a members-only tool to view and analyze current trends and patterns in the LTCSP.  SMART can provide you with detailed information about survey results for nursing centers and regions via statewide and custom comparison reports for a range of metrics and user-specified date ranges.

To get access to SMART, request a user login and complete the online form to have your SMART account access established. For VHCA-VCAL members who have submitted survey information, online access will be set-up and instructions will be sent back to the individual who made the request within two working days.