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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

VTN Telehealth Benchmarking Survey Closes March 15

VTN Telehealth Benchmarking Survey Closes March 15

Friday deadline: If you use telehealth in your facility, take this brief survey from the Virginia Telehealth Network (VTN) to help shape policies and guide future telehealth initiatives in Virginia.

  • The deadline to complete the survey is March 15, 2024 at 5:00 pm.


Why it matters: VTN conducts an annual survey to better understand Virginia’s current and future needs with virtual care.

  • Your input is valuable in shaping Virginia’s virtual health care landscape.


Who should respond: All actively practicing Virginia licensed health care providers are eligible to participate.

  • Participation is voluntary and anonymous (unless you elect to provide your email address).
Posted in Clinical