Generator Survey Update – Responses Still Needed
Virginia’s Joint Commission on Health Care (JCHC) is continuing its work on its report on the availability of generators in assisted living facilities and has pushed its publication to October. To-date 285 assisted living facilities have responded to the questionnaire distributed by the Department of Social Services (DSS) on the availability of generators. If you’re not one of them, there is still time to respond.
If you have not already done so, go to to complete the questionnaire. The survey is not gathering identifiable information, so your responses will be confidential.
About the Questionnaire
DSS and the JCHC, which is a standing commission of the General Assembly, are collaborating to gather data from licensed ALFs on generator availability. The JCHC will then prepare a report for legislators this fall. We want to be sure that the report reflects how much work and planning ALFs have already done to prepare for an emergency or power.