ISP Training News
To make Individualized Service Plan (ISP) training more accessible and convenient, the Department of Social Services (DSS) has announced it has developed a curriculum that will be available to qualified trainers to provide the training on an as-needed basis. ISP training will no longer be provided by the VCU Department of Gernontology, but can be provided by a licensed health care professional such as an RN or LPN.
This change will take effect in September; DSS will share additional details in the coming weeks.
The following information about the changes was distributed by Annette S. Kelley, MS, CSAC, DSS Provider Training Consultant, on July 16, 2018.
The implementation of the Standards for Licensed Assisted Living Facilities in February, 2018 resulted in changes regarding ISP training curriculum and who can provide the training. Specifically, 22 VAC 40-73-450 B states, in part, “The licensee, administrator, or his designee who has successfully completed the department-approved individualized service plan (ISP) training, provided by a licensed health care professional practicing within the scope of his profession,…” The two key points here are: 1) “the department-approved ISP training”. There will now be only one approved curriculum available for ISP training. 2) the individual conducting the training must be a licensed health care professional practicing within the scope of his profession. This individual is defined, in part, in the definitions section of the Standards as: any health care professional currently licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia to practice within the scope of his profession, such as a nurse practitioner, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, clinical social worker, etc. (please refer to the definition for the full list). This definition does not include licensed assisted living facility administrators.
These changes will allow us to change the way you have been able to access ISP training. We have long been aware that offering ISP training three times a year is not enough, especially when you hire staff right after the training has been offered! We want to make ISP training more accessible to you and that is exactly what is happening in September! We are currently in the process of developing the existing ISP training into a curriculum that will be available to qualified trainers to provide when needed both within facilities and at other entities, such as health care based training schools. So, if you have a qualified trainer, you will be able to do ISP training within your facility, on your schedule. If you don’t have a qualified trainer, you will be able to reach out to other training vendors, or you could partner with another facility.
How will this work? The trainers will need to submit an application to the VCU Department of Gerontology so that we can verify credentials that allow them to conduct the training. There will be a fee to register-$30 initially and the training certificate is good for two years (until 9/2020). The renewal fee after that date will be $12 annually. There will also be a fee for the curriculum. I do not have the specific amount yet, but it should not exceed $50. The trainers will need to complete a trainee task record on those individuals that they train and submit that to the VCU Department of Gerontology so that a training certificate can be provided to the trainee. There will be a $10 fee for this certificate. The trainers and trainees information will be maintained in a data base which will allow us to track training information and reissue certificates if the need arises in the future. Yes, there are some up-front costs, but ultimately, this will be a cost savings to you from how we currently provide this training.
Where do we go from here? The fall VCU training calendar should be coming to you by early August. This will include the trainer application form. Trainers can start submitting their applications as soon as this form comes to you. It will also be available on the VCU website where the trainings are listed. DSS Licensing is conducting the ISP training with all of the licensing inspectors in early September. As soon as that training is completed, the curriculum will be released to you. I will let you know as soon as possible what the cost of the curriculum will be.
I hope that you will find this process to be beneficial. If you have questions, please feel free to email me.
Thank you,
Annette S. Kelley, M.S.; C.S.A.C.
Provider Training Consultant
Virginia Department of Social Services
Division of Licensing Programs
WyteStone Bldg.
801 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219